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The Carrot and the Whip

They dangled the Carrot of Gold you - find
You bit it -
You'll work in the factories and mills all the time.
Like a great beast of burden you'll clock on the hours
In the days and in the nights.
In the Mummy of democracies
And the Daddy of hypocrisies-
Where are your rights?

Flashy scenes
On the telly screens
Of the things you should buy
With the money you don't have.
You're down and depressed
Tired and repressed
Your taxes you've paid

A knock on your door
Just another fishing raid!
They'll make the people think
You're just another crook
You'll never get to know
The worm on the hook.

When you try to resist
They're just a bit quick
They'll dangle the carrot
(Don't bite)
And give you the whip

Tariq Mehmood
from Hand on the Sun